Using rebib in general

While using rebib with a LaTeX document, one can use the following two options as per their needs :

1. Bibliography Converter

The bibliography converter will convert any LaTex or BBL file given as a path. This way, one can generate BibTeX from the embedded bibliography or BBL file.

#> working directory : /tmp/RtmpbgPc2o/exampledir/standalone
#> bib entries : 6
#> Written BibTeX file : /tmp/RtmpbgPc2o/exampledir/standalone/sample.bib

2. Bibliography Aggregator

The bibliography aggregator will append the existing BibTeX file with bibliographic entries extracted from the LaTeX or BBL file.

The Flow Chart here visualizes the sequence.
A Flow chart of Bibliography Aggregation

A Flow chart of Bibliography Aggregation

#> Warning in dir.create(your_article_folder <- file.path(tempdir(),
#> "exampledir")): '/tmp/RtmpbgPc2o/exampledir' already exists
# Suppose you have a example.bib file in your article path
cat(readLines(paste(your_article_path,"example.bib",sep="/")),sep = "\n")
#> @book{ihaka:1996,
#>   author = {{Ihaka, Ross and Gentleman, Robert}},
#>   title = {{R: A Language for Data Analysis and Graphics}},
#>   publisher = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 3: 299--314},
#>   year = {1996},
#>   url = {}
#> }
# for files with BibTeX source as well as embedded entries
#> Found Bib file  example.bib
#> bibliography aggregation possible
#> Found Bib file  example.bib
#> aggregation delta : 2
#> BibTeX file aggregated
cat(readLines(paste(your_article_path,"example.bib",sep="/")),sep = "\n")
#> @book{ihaka:1996,
#>   author = {{Ihaka, Ross and Gentleman, Robert}},
#>   title = {{R: A Language for Data Analysis and Graphics}},
#>   publisher = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 3: 299--314},
#>   year = {1996},
#>   url = {}
#> }
#> @book{R,
#> author = {R {Core Team}},
#> title = {{R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing}},
#> publisher = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing Vienna Austria    :},
#> year = {2016},
#> url = {},
#> isbn = {3-900051-07-0}
#> }
#> @book{Tremblay:2012,
#> author = {A.~{Tremblay}},
#> title = {{LMERConvenienceFunctions: A suite of functions to back-fit fixed effects and forward-fit random effects, as well as other miscellaneous functions., }},
#> publisher = {R package version},
#> year = {2012},
#> url = {}
#> }